Planning Applications
Glapthorn Parish Council is consulted on planning applications by the Planning Authority - North Northamptonshire Council.
Below you will find information relating to current and past planning applications.
The national Planning Portal is your one-stop shop for planning and building services advice online.
Cotterstock Road Development, Oundle
Glapthorn Parish Council has been proactive in raising the concerns of the local community regarding the Cotterstock Road development, notwithstanding that the development fundamentally conflicts with the "made" Neighbourhood Plan. There is ongoing dialogue with North Northamptonshire Council (and previously ENC), the developer and Oundle Town Council much of which is detailed in the attached documents, see below. Further discussion and consideration relating to the development can be found in previous Parish Council Minutes, whilst any other information is available from the Parish Clerk on request.
Cotterstock Road Dev. - GPC Letter to ENC ref s.106 Funding 04.09.2020 (PDF, 376 Kb)
Cotterstock Road Dev. - GPC Response to Consultation May 2021 (PDF, 471 Kb)
Cotterstock Road Dev. - GPC Letter to NNC ref s.106 Funding 27.08.2021 (PDF, 383 Kb)
Cotterstock Road Dev. - GPC Response to Application for Approval of Reserved Matter 27.08.2021 (PDF, 235 Kb)